KNGMG Noord lecture: A glimpse into the kitchen of high-end seismic interpretation

Dear KNGMG Noord invitees,

Our next lecture will provide an insider’s view on the unbelievable amount of information that can be extracted from repeated acquisition of 3D-seismic.

A glimpse into the kitchen of high-end seismic interpretation!

Time:     Tuesday 12 December 2017, 17:00-18:00.
You are welcome from 16:30 onwards. Drinks and some snacks will be available.

Place:     NAM office, Room 2J.04 (the “Yellow Room”).
If you come from outside the NAM office, please register in advance by sending an email to

Title:      “Detecting Gas Depletion using Time Lapse Seismic”

 Presented by: Thomas Lassaigne (Production Geophysicist, Asset OneGas, NAM)

An abstract plus a more extensive biography of Thomas will follow later this week.

Other KNGMG Noord activities for season 2017-2018:

9 January 2018:        “Update on Geomagnetics” by Lennart de Groot

6 February 2018:      “There is more in and about salt than meets an oilman’s eye” by Gerhard Diephuis

6 March 2018:           “Geology of the Eifel: an introduction” by Jack Lanting

3 April 2018:              Planetary Geology (title to be confirmed) by Jurrien Knibbe

10-12 May 2018:       Three-day fieldtrip to the Eifel, led by Heinz Bürgisser and Willem Schuurman

You can still sign up for the Eifel fieldtrip. We do have a short waiting list, but it is not inconceivable that some people may drop off.

We hope to see you all next week, Tuesday 12th December!

The KNGMG Noord Committee: John Verbeek, Daan den Hartog Jager, Madelon Nijman, Jilles van den Beukel


dec 12 2017


17:00 - 18:00


NAM, Assen
Schepersmaat 2
oktober 2024
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