KNGMG Noord lezing: There is more in and about salt than meets an oilman’s eye

We invite you to join us in our journey from magnetism last month to magnesium salts this month!

Long-standing KNGMG Noord member Gerhard Diephuis will share his insights in extracting information on these “squeezing salts” from 3D-seismic.

Time:     Tuesday 6 February 2018, 17:00-18:00.
You are welcome from 16:30 onwards. Drinks and some snacks will be available.

Place:     NAM office, Room 2J.04 (the “Yellow Room”).
If you come from outside the NAM office, please register in advance by reply to this mail.

Title:      “There is more in and about salt than meets an oilman’s eye”

Presented by: Gerhard Diephuis (Consultant Geophysicist, Assen)


Magnesium rich minerals are being exploited by NedMag in the North of The Netherlands, around the town of Veendam. These salts have been discovered during appraisal and development of the giant Slochteren gasfield. A considerable research effort has been made to elucidate parameters that determine deposition of such high-soluble evaporites. About two years ago, seismic inversion has been applied on the 3D dataset, owned and imaged by NAM. The interpretation and some rock physics modelling led to much improved insight into the possible occurrences and internal geometry of Bischofite-rich sequences. Uncertainties will be discussed prior to conclusions.

NAM is acknowledged for the seismic datasets, NedMag for its cheerful support and RWTH (Aachen) for its effective and pleasant cooperation.

About Our Speaker:

Gerhard Diephuis (1947) studied Geology and Geophysics at the State University of Leiden. The Netherlands. After a stint as research assistant with Prof. Hagedoorn and having completed military service, he joined Shell International in 1977. He was posted subsequently to Sarawak Shell in Malaysia, Woodside Petroleum in Perth, Australia, to Shell Expro in London, to Petroleum Development Oman and finally to NAM in a variety of functions, mostly in Exploration, but also in Petroleum Engineering.

Since 1997 Diephuis is independent consultant engaged in a large number of highly varied world-wide assignments in combination with educational activities both for industry as well as academia. He taught two years at University of Utrecht and is a guest lecturer at the Technical University Delft since 1998. From 1997 to 2004 Diephuis was first Associate Editor and later Editor in Chief of “Geophysical Prospecting”, an ICI listed journal – for these efforts he was awarded honorary life-membership of EAGE. Between 2007 and 2017 Diephuis was associated with IF Technology as Senior Advisor for deep geothermal projects.

Diephuis is an active veteran race-rower and loves playing Baroque music on his traverso.


feb 06 2018


17:00 - 18:00


NAM office, room 2J.04
Schepersmaat 2
oktober 2024
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