KNGMG Noord: Lezing april

KNGMG kring Noord april lezing heeft als onderwerp:
Geology of S Limburg / NE Belgium” als voorbereiding op de tweedaagse excursie gepland van 10 tm 12 mei 2019. De lezing wordt gepresenteerd door Jan Schreurs, mede-organisator van de excursie.

Zoals gewoonlijk vindt de lezing plaats in het hoofdgebouw van de NAM, Schepersmaat 2 te Assen. Vanaf 16:30 uur staan soft drinks en snacks klaar bij de ‘Gele Kamer’ (2J.04).

KNGMG-leden zijn van harte welkom om onze lezingen bij te wonen! Als u geïnteresseerd bent, graag in de voorgaande week aanmelden door een e-mail te sturen naar

The presentation is about the lesser known and even completely forgotten industrial importance of the Carboniferous in and near Dutch Limburg. Everybody knows the coal mines from Southern Limburg. Early on people realized that the coal deposits disappeared deep down along the major faults that defined the northern boundaries of the coal area. Not surprising they started looking for coal where the topography showed higher elevations again “at the other side”, to the north of the Ruhr river. Few know that coal was indeed found at the “other side”, also in the Netherlands. Even fewer know that a rather big and modern mine was planned, but was never developed and completely abandoned in the 1950-60’s.  Also, few know that the Carboniferous limestone just across the border contains ore deposits that were core to the industrial revolution in Western Europe. One of the biggest mines was in Moresnet. It too has been largely forgotten. The mine was even the reason for a political limbo, with a mini zinc-banana state, that lasted for more than 100 years. Few know that the famous drielandenpunt, the point where Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands meet near Vaals, used to be a vierlandenpunt, a place where four countries met. Geology has had a profound impact on politics, but for most people that is hiding in a complex past. The story will include some relevant bits of the history of Limburg as well. Perhaps not surprising these are generally little known as well.

About the speaker:
Jan Schreurs, born in Limburg, Netherlands. PhD in hard rock geology from Free University in Amsterdam and University of Utrecht, Netherlands. 30+ yrs experience as explorationist in Shell, starting 4 years in Research in the Netherlands,  subsequently 29 years in various Shell operating companies (UK, Brunei, Egypt, Oman, The Hague) with projects across Europe, the Middle and Far East as well as Africa. Retired since 2016. Currently board member of a sustainable energy cooperation and actively participating in the energy transition as well as researching the story of natural hydrogen as unfinished business from Shell times.


apr 02 2019


16:30 - 18:00


NAM, Assen
Schepersmaat 2


Kring Noord
oktober 2024
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