EAGE Workshop 3: Uncertainty Quantification and Visualisation in Geological Modelling

Johan Ten Veen (TNO-Geological Survey of the Netherlands)
Denise MaljersĀ (TNO-Geological Survey of the Netherlands)
Jan StafleuĀ (TNO-Geological Survey of the Netherlands)
Freek BusschersĀ (TNO-Geological Survey of the Netherlands)

Registration via this link.

Workshop Description

This full-day workshop will cover all aspects of uncertainty related to geological models. Topics include model accuracy, model precision and the visualization and communication of these uncertainties for geological models ranging from detailed reservoir models to regional scale multi-purpose models.
The workshop is aimed at geoscientists and policymakers that deal with uncertainties, by bridging gaps between producing uncertainty information and understanding and using it.
The uncertainty in these models has different sources, ranging from uncertainties related to wells, i.e. metadata and interpretation, seismics, i.e. 2D or 3D, vintage, velocity model, fault model, property modelling, etc. But also even less quantifiable sources as geological knowledge used in the modelling process. Furthermore, what would be the best way to communicate these uncertainties, using statistical measures, diagrams, cross-sections?
In this workshop we start with a morning session for non-specialists by giving mini-lectures on accuracy, precision and visualization. One of the mini-lectures will be given by Prof. Florian Wellmann Ph.D. from RWTH Aachen University.
The EAGE Annual 2021 will be held in hybrid format, meaning that it will combine an in-person event with online components. However, please note that the workshop programme is in-person only and will not be streamed.

An illustration of different combinations of accuracy and precision that are also applicable to modelling. The more proximate to the desired answer (bull’s eye) means more accurate. Precision describes how proximate the points are situated to each other.

Workshop Programme

09:00 Welcome
09:15 Keynote presenter – Prof. F. Wellmann
10:00 Discussion & Questions
10:10 Coffee break
10:25 Keynote presenter –Ā PhD B. Zehner
11:10 Discussion & Questions
11:20 Assessing and Communicating Geological Model Uncertainty
A.K. Turner* (Colorado School of Mines) & M. Bianchi (British Geological Survey)
11:40 Data Uncertainty Assessment for Optimising Marine Subsurface Applications
L. Kint* (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences), V. Hademenos (Ghent Univ.), R. De Mol (Ghent Univ.), J. Stafleu (TNO), S. Van Heteren (TNO) & V. Van Lancker (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences/ Ghent Univ.)
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Uncertainty Quantification Enhancement by Combining Data of Varying Accuracy and Precision
J. Chautru* (Geovariances), H. Binet (Geovariances), P. Masoudi (Geovariances), S. Rodriguez (Neptune Energy International) & M. Papouin (Neptune Energy International)
13:20 Uncertainty of the Geological Framework Model of the Netherlands
W. Dabekaussen* & H.J. Hummelman (TNO – Geological Survey of the Netherlands)
13:40 Visualisation of Uncertainty in Voxel Models of the Shallow Subsurface of the Netherlands
J. Stafleu*, D. Maljers & J.L. Gunnink (TNO)
14:00 Case Studies Evaluating Accuracy and Uncertainty in Site Scale Geological 3D Models
T. Kearsey* & K. Whitbread (British Geological Survey)
14:20 Quantification of Effective Permeability Uncertainty Estimation on Geothermal Aquifer Scale
M. Verberne* (TNO/Utrecht Univ.), R. Dalman (TNO), J. Breunese (TNO), B. Van Kempen (TNO) & K. Geel (TNO)
14:40 Using Dempster-Shafer Theory to Model Uncertainty
F.M. Miotti* (Independent Senior Consultant)
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Realistic Uncertainty Estimation in an Integrated Geostatistical Seismic Property Modeling
A. Moradi Tehrani* (CGG Jason (Netherlands) BV)
15:50 Subset 3D Geological Modelling for Petroleum Reservoir Estimation
E. Pakyuz-charrier* & J. Keetley (Intrepid Geophysics)
16:10 Geological Uncertainty Quantification: A futile attempt in the absence of a decision context
B. Jafarizadeh* (Heriot-Watt Univ.)
16:30 Closing Notes
17:00 End of Workshop


okt 17 2021


09:00 - 17:00


Amsterdam RAI
Europaplein 24


+31 88 9955055
oktober 2024
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