EFG: EuroWorkshops, Geology and the Energy Transition

The CHPM2030 project, the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) and the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) will co-organise a EuroWorkshop on “Geology and the energy transition” on 23 May 2019 in Delft, the Netherlands. A complementary fieldtrip will be organised on 24 May under the title “Exploring the Anthropocene”.

The aim of this EuroWorkshop is to provide insights into the energy transition and how it affects geosciences. Furthermore, it is our aim that the provided information and knowledge will improve our understanding of the future role geoscientists have to play in the energy transition, facilitate cross-fertilisation between different scientific areas and contribute to the objective to bring our society a step closer to reaching the goal of zero CO2 emissions.


“Policy discussed by policymakers”

The morning session will be discussing policies that have been adopted at European and national level to encourage the energy transition, to gain an understanding of how these policies will provide directions for future developments.

Key note speakers (confirmed):

  • Haitze Siemers (Head of Unit of the ‘New energy technologies, innovation and clean coal’ unit, DG Energy, European Commission)
  • Ruud Cino (Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Change)
  • Vitor Correia (President, European Federation of Geologists)
  • Lucia van Geuns (Strategic Advisor Energy, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies)
  • Adele Manzella (ETIP-DG; Italian National Research Council)

Projects presented by geologists for geologists

Session I will present the outcomes of the Horizon 2020 funded CHPM2030 project which aims to develop a novel and potentially disruptive technology solution that can help satisfy the European needs for energy and strategic metals in a single interlinked process. Besides an overview about the main project results, technological aspects will be highlighted, and an outlook on the future economic development of the CHPM technology will be provided. A selection of the talks:

  • Overview of the CHPM2030 project results by Éva Hartai and Tamás Madarász (CHPM2030 project coordinators, University of Miskolc)
  • Metal content mobilisation from deep ore bodies by Chris Rochelle (British Geological Survey)
  • Metal recovery from geothermal fluids by Xochitl Dominguez, Jan Fransaer (VITO)
  • Salt gradient power generation by reverse electrodialysis by Joost Helsen (VITO)
  • System integration and conceptual framework for the CHPM plant –by Árni Ragnarsson (Iceland GeoSurvey)
  • Economic and environmental aspects of the CHPM technology by Wojtech Wertich (MinPol) and Máté Osvald (University of Szeged)
  • 2030 and 2050 Roadmaps for the CHPM technology by Tamás Miklovicz (La Palma Research Centre)

Session II will present other projects in which geoscientists play a key role regarding the energy transition. A selection of the talks that are already confirmed:

  • CO2-Plume Geothermal (CPG) technology by Martin Saar (ETH Zürich)
  • Enhancing Geothermal Reservoirs by Inga Berre (University of Bergen)
  • GEOCOND- Advanced materials and processes to improve performance and cost-efficiency of Shallow Geothermal systems and UTES. A European project to increase the performance and impact of the SGEs by Jose Manuel Cuevas Castell (Technical University of Valencia)
  • Subsurface Energy Storage and Buffering (ATES and Shallow Geothermal Plants) by David Klemetz (WSP Sweden)
  • Offshore Foundations – Key Geotechnical and Geological Uncertainties by Kenneth Gavin (TU Delft)
  • Geotechnical surveying and soil testing for solar projects by Ramón Perez (Tecsolgeo)
  • Raw materials for the energy transition, existing data harmonization problems in Europe and possible solutions, recent results from ORAMA project by Perttu Mikkola (Geological Survey of Finland)
  • CO2 storage for completing the energy transition by Rowena Stead, Ton Wildenburg (BRGM/TNO)

More information about the event can be found via this link.
The second circular can be found via this link.
To register follow this link.
As seats at the venue are limited, we recommend to register as soon as possible. Special rates are offered for students, members of EFG’s National Associations and European Geologist title holders.

The Co-organisers of this event are:
CHPM2030 project
Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Nethelands (KNGMG)
European Federation of Geologists

The event is sponsored by:
TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands and Deltares.


mei 23 - 24 2019


09:00 - 17:00


Science Center of Delft University of Technology
Mijnbouwstraat 120


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