Kring Noord KNGMG: lezing mei

KNGMG kring Noord lezing heeft als onderwerp:
“First results from the SCAN geothermal exploration campain”. De lezing wordt gepresenteerd door Henk van Lochem, Marten ter Borgh, Johannes Rehling & Harmen Mijnlieff (EBN/TNO).

De lezing wordt online worden gegeven van 17:00 tot 18:00 uur, u kunt inloggen vanaf 16:30 uur, via deze Microsoft Teams Link.
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Korte samenvatting:
Geothermal energy is a proven renewable energy resource in the Netherlands. Currently operating geothermal installations are located in areas where subsurface data coverage is good. In roughly half the country, subsurface data coverage is poor, however, which hampers the development of geothermal energy. Improving the data availability in these areas will facilitate the development of future geothermal projects.
In 2018 the SCAN geothermal exploration campaign was initiated to decrease subsurface uncertainties in the data poor areas of the Netherlands. The campaign is now well underway: over 1000 km of 2D seismic data have been acquired, and an additional 1000 km of vintage seismic data have been reprocessed. In the coming years more 2D seismic lines will be acquired and reprocessed. In addition to this, dedicated research wells will be drilled to acquire detailed subsurface data. All results are made public immediately.
The primary geological targets of the campaign are the Permian Rotliegend and Triassic sandstones. Cenozoic sands are considered a primary target for low temperature geothermal systems and high temperature storage applications. Additional targets include Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sandstones, Upper Carboniferous sandstones, Lower Carboniferous (Dinantian) carbonates and the pre-Dinantian interval.
The results so far have greatly improved our understanding of the presence, depth and thickness of the targeted reservoirs. The new data also allows for a much better understanding of the structural style and development and burial history of the Dutch subsurface, facilitating the further development of geothermal energy. There are ample possibilities for follow-up research.

Over de spreker:
Henk van Lochem studied Geology at Utrecht University (Structural Geology with minor subjects Exploration Geophysics and Economic Geology). In 1987, he co-founded Argo Geological Consultants and worked as consultant for various clients, especially frequent for Wintershall Noordzee, on exploration and development projects on the North Sea. Last project for Wintershall was related to the exploration, appraisal and development of two Chalk oil fields in the Dutch sector. Outside the North Sea area he has been consultant for exploration projects in, for example, Colombia, Poland, Bulgaria and Spain. He participated in a large number of evaluations for farm-in offers and acquisition opportunities. In 2018 he started as consultant for EBN within the SCAN geothermal project. Main tasks are the design and setting objectives for the 2D seismic survey and the selection of lines and processing QC for the 2D seismic reprocessing project. Made prospectivity analysis and identified geothermal leads within the SCAN areas for new “scientific” wells.


mei 11 2021


17:00 - 18:00




Kring Noord
oktober 2024
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