VU mini-symposium: ‘‘Impacts of climate changes on the fluvial sedimentary system in the recent and geological past’’

Next Week, on Thursday the 27th of June, Lars Noorbergen is going to defend his PhD thesis entitled ‘‘Fluvial responses to orbital-forced climate changes in the Western Interior early Paleocene’’. The defense will be held in the Aula (main building VU University Amsterdam) and starts at 09:45 am. The defense is followed by a reception in the Houtzagerij in den Koele Blonde WN-F045 at 11.30 am.

On the day before, on Wednesday the 26th of June a mini-symposium will be organized in the afternoon. The symposium starts at 15:00 pm in Room HG-02A24(57/28T) (Main building (hoofdgebouw), De Boelelaan 1105, floor no. 2).

The program of the mini-symposium entitled ‘‘Impacts of climate changes on the fluvial sedimentary system in the recent and geological past’’ is as follows:

14.45 – 15.00 – coffee and tea in Room HG-02A24(57/28T)
15.00 – 15.15 – Drs. Lars Noorbergen – Introduction to topic and speakers
15.15 – 15.50 – Drs. Fei Peng (VU University Amsterdam) – The paleoflood of the Lower Meuse, its interaction with humans and response to climate change.
15.50 – 16.25 – Dr. Hemmo Abels (Delft University of Technology) – Towards a 3D-comprehensive model of orbital-scale fluvial cyclity in the Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin (USA).
16.25 – 17.00 – Prof. Dr. Stanislav Opluštil (Charles University Prague, CUNI) – Climatically-driven cyclicity and peat formation in a fluvial setting of the Moscovian – early Kasimovian Cracow Sandstone Series, Upper Silesia (Poland).


jun 26 2019


15:00 - 17:00


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105


Vrije Universtiteit Amsterdam
oktober 2024
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