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NWO nieuwe call: “Living Labs in the Dutch Delta”

NWO heeft de call Living Labs in the Dutch Delta geopend. In Living Labs werken onderzoekers van universiteiten en hogescholen samen met bedrijven en overheidsinstanties aan ‘nature-based’ interventies in het Nederlandse hoofdwatersysteem: rivieren, grote wateren en...

Geo.brief 5 is uit

Geo.brief 5 is uitgegeven voor de leden van het KNGMG. In deze Geo.brief wordt aandacht besteed aan: Wind op zee als kennisbron GeoERA: duurzaam gebruik van de ondergrond Het verhaal achter een geologische kaart Verslag jaarvergadering KNGMG Wilt u ook de Geo.brief...

EFG article: The hunt for phi structures

Author: A. Lambert Abstract Phi (Φ) structures are geological entities that combine ring shaped fault segments with crossing shear zones. Their closeness to mineral occurrences is recognised but many geologists do not consider them useful for prediction of deposits...

EAGE Awards 2019 – Nominations are now open!

Each year, EAGE presents a number of prestigious awards to individuals, recognising their exceptional contributions to their scientific disciplines or to the Association. The nomination period for the 2019 awards is now open. Candidates are nominated by colleagues and...

UNEXMiN: Summary of the second week of the Kaatiala trials

The first field trials with the UX-1 robot are finished. The two-weeks trial ended on the 22nd of June with the robot’s capabilities being extensively tested on a real-life environment: a flooded mine. After the summary of the first working week at the Kaatiala mine...

First Announcement TISOLS2020 on Land Subsidence

From 20 – 24 April 2020, the Tenth International Symposium on Land Subsidence (TISOLS) will take place in the Netherlands. Land subsidence, or land-level lowering, is a major problem that threatens the viability and sustainable economic development for millions of...

In het nieuws: Europe looking for climate strategies to 2050

UPI news: With the United States charting its way out of the Paris climate agreement, European leaders look to take up the mantel. The European commissioner for climate action said Friday it's time to start looking beyond the horizon outlined in the Paris climate...

AAPG Energy Transition Forum – Geoscience in a New Era

AAPG Energy Transition Forum – Geoscience in a New Era

KNGMG is proud to support the upcoming AAPG Conference "Geoscience in a New Era": KNGMG members will be entitled to register for the conference with a special rate of 399 euro. For this reason, a special registration code has...

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Top picture by Justin Leniger on Unsplash